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Child Protection Policy

Updated 6/12/2022

Preliminary Statement: The safety of children is paramount and all, without exception, have the right to protection. All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately and all the Competition’s staff are responsible for reporting concerns.

1. Purpose and Function of the Organisation: 

The Be Sharp (B#) Piano Competition provides a platform for amateur piano performance with an educational element from Professional Adjudicators and Specialists. 

2a. The Competition Environment: 

The Be Sharp (B#) Piano Competition will be held in Litton Hall, Wesley House, Dublin 6. It is the policy of our Competition to inform and involve parents/guardians/carers and teachers in partnership in order to ensure, as far as it is reasonably practicable, a safe environment. We do this by ensuring you receive a copy of this policy at the time you are applying to the Competition. It is the responsibility of all parents/guardians/carers and teachers to care for their children and those in their care while attending the Competition. The Be Sharp (B#) Piano Competition will not act “in loco parentis” in the care of minors. 

2b. Supervision of public areas during Competition Categories: 

The Be Sharp (B#) Piano Competition takes all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of children and young people while attending the Competition. Competition personnel do not directly supervise public areas at all times. The safety of our patrons is important to us. The Be Sharp (B#) Piano Competition, therefore, requests parents/guardians/carers and teachers to ensure that children or young people under their care are supervised at all times when using public areas such as toilets, lobbies, stairs, etc. Concerns in relation to patron safety should immediately be reported to Competition personnel on duty. 

3. To Whom Does This Policy Apply: 

This policy relates to children under the age of 18 years and members of vulnerable groups of any age whose needs are identified to the organizers by parents/guardians/carers and teachers prior to their arrival at the Competition. This should be done by contacting the email address or telephone number at the foot of this document. Our Competition actively seeks, wherever possible, to meet these needs, but must know beforehand in order to prepare support – or to let you know we are unable to help. 

4. Competition Personnel: 

All Competition Staff are identifiable by a Name Tag and Formal Attire. Please inform your child to make contact with a Staff member, should they have any enquiry or experience any difficulty. 

5. Preparing for Attendance at the Competition: 

There is no admission charge per adult attending the Competition. A full competition program will be available for purchase at €5 each. Additionally, B# branded products will be available for purchase.

There is an admission charge of €10 per adult or €15 for two adults attending the Prizewinners’ Concert. This includes voting tickets for the Audience Award to be awarded.

Competition staff will not be responsible for the supervision or care of unaccompanied children and minors. Where parents, guardians and carers are not personally attending the Competition with their children, this Policy requires that they are satisfied that their children will be accompanied to the Competition and adequately supervised by responsible adults acting on their behalf. 

6. Performance and Practice Areas: 

A Parent, Guardian or Teacher may accompany performers into the Competition. Practice facilities are not available. 

7. Photographs, Video/Audio Recording and Press Photography: 

Use of any kind of audio or visual equipment is strictly prohibited for the protection of all children attending and participating at the Competition. Parents, Guardians and Teachers are requested to help ensure that this prohibition is enforced. 

Competition Staff may request to take photographs in between competitions. These photographs may be posted to the Competition social media pages and/or website. Please ensure your child, Guardian or Teacher is aware of your position on the use of photographs and notifies the photographer present if you do not wish your child to be photographed. 

8. Guidance that Supports this Document: 

This policy is in conformity with the State Guidelines: Children First, 2011. 

9. Policy Review: 

The Executive will constantly review this policy, improving and enhancing as necessary.

Contact Information:


Phone: +353 87 350 4317