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The B# Piano Competition aims to bring talented pianists together to showcase their skills and compete for prizes. Though we are a new competition, we have big ambitions as we aim to double our growth within our second year by holding both in person and online competitions. 

We are currently looking for sponsors to help accelerate our growth, and believe that we have a worthy business proposition for three specific types of sponsors. 

Individual Sponsors (€30/100 with Trophy)

Why this would be worthwhile for you:

  • You can name a trophy after yourself or someone else


Additional things you’ll get:

  • Special Individual Sponsor mention in our concert programs
  • Free entry into competition halls (1 concert programs)
  • Free entry into the Prizewinners’ Concert (2 tickets)
  • Additional voting power for the Audience Award (2 votes)

Piano Teacher Sponsors (€50/120 with Trophy)

Why this would be worthwhile for you:

  • We will place your name, a description, and contact details in our concert programs
  • You can name a trophy after yourself or someone else
  • We will hand out your business cards on the day


Additional things you’ll get:

  • Special Music Teacher Sponsor mention in our concert programs
  • Free entry into competition halls (1 concert programs)
  • Free entry into the Prizewinners’ Concert (2 tickets)
  • Additional voting power for the Audience Award (4 votes)

Business Sponsors (€100/200 with any Trophy)

Why this would be worthwhile for you:

  • We will place your logo, advertisements, and a brief description of your business in our concert programs
  • We will help you sell your products on the day (if it’s a small product business e.g. cupcakes)
  • You can name a trophy for the category of your choice
  • We will hand out your business cards on the day


Additional things you’ll get:

  • Special Business Sponsor mention in our concert programs
  • Free entry into competition halls (2 concert programs)
  • Free entry into the Prizewinners’ Concert (4 tickets)
  • Additional voting power for the Audience Award (6 votes)

While we hope to get as many sponsors as possible, there are some caveats. 

  1. Trophy sponsors will need to provide a suitable reason for naming a trophy after themselves or after someone else. This reason should be linked to music contributions. If naming after someone else, we ask that you notify them or their family. We would encourage the trophy sponsor to present the award to the competition winner if possible.
  2. We ask that trophy and business sponsors commit to a 3 year engagement if possible. This is to ensure the trophy name remains engraved in perpetuity. If the competition is cancelled before the 3rd year, then we will refund all your sponsorship money. 


We hope that the B# Piano Competition will be a long-standing competition that graces the CVs of future classical pianists in Ireland and abroad. If you would like to sponsor us, please get in touch with Jason at or WhatsApp at +353 87 350 4317.